Jul302019Tasota Updates Category: Tasota UpdatesJuly 30, 2019Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:NEW GEN ISS – WORKSHOP FOR TASOTA IATA MEMBERS ON 24TH JULY 2019NextNext post:TASOTA AGM DINNER AT SERENA HOTEL ON 26 JULY 2019Related NewsComing Soon: Air Tanzania exploring direct flight to NigeriaJanuary 27, 2023Introduction of VAT on Air ChartersJanuary 25, 2023Seychelles’ passport retains top spot as best in AfricaJanuary 25, 2023TTB Stakeholders Meeting – January 2023January 24, 2023Spotlight on East Africa TravelExpo – 2023January 24, 2023Tanzania five years away from joining open skiesJanuary 23, 2023